What WOULD Barb do? I'm a writer looking for places to write without disturbing the lives of people in my life. I'm a natural born event planner who doesn't want to do it for a living because it'll ruin the fun. I'm a book that likes to be left open and read. Bookmark it, dog-ear the page corner and come back to me.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Off to Miami via Long Island!
All my love,
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
On hindsight, the trip was amazing and unlike anything I've ever done. To have a good friend taking you around their country, making every effort to show you the best...I've never really had that. Granted I could have also done with a bit more time to just stroll around but I can always do that next time.
The depth of Japanese cuisine shocked me. The depth of Japanese cuisine beyond seafood completely knocked my off my size 10.5/11 feet. Unreal. The things they do with the most basic ingredients such as tofu, rice and edamame I couldn't imagine they could be so full of flavor. So much so that I feel the need to figure out how to make some of these things at home.
Beyond the food, the people are so nice and polite, though I feel we got a bit of special treatment as gaijins. One thing that scared me a bit was the density of the crowds during the busy hours. I never met a city that could compete with New York in that way but Tokyo definitely wins. The will motor over anything that doesn't move fast enough, even the elderly are the same! ha.
I can't wait to go back again and explore the rest of the country. Though the sheer expanse of Tokyo itself is daunting. It's such a big city. BIG.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
For relaxing times...
We went to the Park Hyatt last night and I was the most physically relaxed than I have been in a good while. The view from the 52nd Floor was unbelieveable and the sheer expanse that is Tokyo really slaps you in the face. It truly is a GINORMOUS city, there was no end in any direction. Lights everywhere. The Park Hyatt has mastered the art of ambiance. The space was amazing and the vibe was just as it was in Lost in Translation. It was ridiculously expensive with 3 rounds of drinks and the cover charge but well worth it. A jazz band played some classics, we were in good company, and the view was so clear that you could just admire to your hearts content. Unreal. Personally, I didn't want to leave but the rest of the crew were hungry so we peaced but if anyone is coming to Tokyo I think it's definitely a mandatory stop.
So this trip has been quite the culinary adventure so far. Yesterday(Wednesday) we went to a branch of a restaurant where every dish uses tofu as an ingredient. It was a huge meal and probably my favorite so far. I've also rediscovered my love of red bean paste. So tasty but not overly sweet, a great dessert. I like the pace of meals here, because there is so much ceremony involved (in the fancier establishments) each course is paced out well. Each dish, cup, and utensil has their own place in the space in front of you and each are moved about seamlessly, effortlessly, and with the utmost grace on the part of the server. It's almost a show in itself. I'm obviously not used to this kind of service and the funny thing is is that they don't tip here. At all. So the servers aren't doing this for extra money, they're doing it because it's their job and there is a level of pride involved which I can respect as opposed to the servers in NY who do the barest of minimums (if that) and expect exorbitant amounts of money just for being there. It's a bit backwards.
Toilets. Yes, toilets. There is a covert (which may not actually be so covert) national obsession with toilets. I think some of these contraptions are more advanced than my iPod. There are buttons for spraying, oscillating, drying, it's unbelieveable. My favorite feature by far is heated seats. But even divey bars have clean hi-tech toilets. I mean, as a woman, it works wonderfully for me but it's a very interesting phenomena nonetheless.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Japan Part Ni (2, for you non Japanese speakers)
We spent day two taking almost every mode of transportation known to man. Including: cable car, trolley, train, bullet train, two camels and a horse. Okay maybe not the last two. The on day 3 we took the bus AND the Romancecar. Yes, it's really called the Romancecar but it's just a really nice train, no romance on board (at least not that I'm aware of). So once we got to Hakone we traipsed around the mountains checking out the sights while wading through the masses of senior citizens and I mean MASSES. They may be small but when they have a destination in sight they will push you over with tha quickness. no diggity. no doubt. Anyway, our final destination that night would be Yamadaya, a hot springs 'inn' where we'd have hot spring baths on site. We spent the night in our traditional Japanese robes and were served 3094823490 course meals in our room, it'll make more sense when you see the photos later. it was quite an experience. i had to put bandages on my tattoos bc i guess they aren't very 'traditional' i felt like a leper or something with big bandages all over me. we went to the baths a few times, one of which was outside with views of the surrounding countryside, t'was beautiful. this pic is mount fuji btw. yes, THE mount fuji.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Japan Part 1
Anyhoo, it has been pretty damn awesome so far. Alanna dozed off at dinner the first night since we were all supremely exhausted from our flight during most of which I didn't sleep at all. I officially hate American Airlines, the air hosts (aka the pc term for stewards and stewardesses) were old and cranky. I would have nothing against old if they weren't so damn cranky. Walter and I sat together and our damn video screens didn't work which actually ended up being a good thing since I finished Eat, Pray, Love during the flight. Getting into Narita (Tokyo's International Airport) was much less intimidating than what I imagine the reverse experience is for people coming into JFK where they bark and snarl at you as if you were making a run for the border. We spent yesterday in Kamakura, one of the most historical parts of Japan, which was unbelieveably picturesque. Ya'll will see what I'm talkin' about when you see the pics. I've already taken almost 200 pictures. I'm on a mission to find an image for this year's Christmas card after all! We saw the giant buddha, made lots of wishes, threw money into places for good luck, say shrines, temples, and ate some street food. ALL the street food has been spectacular so far. SPECTACULAR. Even the scary fish looked strangely edible though I dare not taste it. Without Chika and Eri I dare say it'd be MUCH harder getting around here, outside of Greece it may be the hardest place to get around without knowing the local language. Today (Monday AM) we're heading to Hakone where the hot springs are so we'll see how that goes. Nekkidness is required, eeek. We're staying there for an overnighter then the few days are all about Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo. Sorry this isn't as entertaining as ya'll might expect, there haven't been too many foibles just yet. Going grocery shopping at 7am and buying two bottles of wine and a bottle of sake might be a good highlight so far...
Ciao bellas! Sayonara. Until next time, or until I end up in a Japanese prison.
Oh yes, this means we've arrived safely. :)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Today is the day
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I smelled the air when I emerged from the subway and realized that I've smelled it before, it's a familiar city smell (likely a combination of exhaust, dirt and people. ha.) that I've noticeably encountered in my travels to other cities but not in my own. Interesting no? Am I really that absorbed in my day to day and have I been for the last 21 years I've lived here that I've never smelled Eau de NYC? It appears so. The point is not that this city smells so wonderful, because frankly it doesn't, but that I've only bothered to pay attention when I travel- to what a place smells like and from that you can infer that I've missed a lot of other things here too but perhaps conversely also why I like to travel so darn much.
To keep this from becoming a longer yarn than it needs to be on a Wednesday morning I'd like to say that I recognize that I have a tendency to focus on others, possibly in an attempt to deflect from focusing on myself. I would like to be more aware of myself and my surroundings and will work on this as I'm able. Starting with my supinated gait.
Oh and I still love NY desperately.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Not that I want to be lovesick or throw down but I really appreciate the intensity of his emotion and his willingness to put it out there. Yes he's older, likely wiser and perhaps with less pride to lose but one would think it could possibly be harder to admit fault and give in to starting over even if the other person is willing. I think I just appreciate people who wear their heart on their sleeve in any realm, not just romantic. Life's too short right? Isn't that what "they" always say? I still have yet to figure out who "they" really is but I feel that if we quote "them" all the time "they" must be speaking from a place of authority. haha. It's why I like this particular show. I appreciate the intensity because that's how I am when I feel strongly about things. Actually, I think I'm generally fairly intense but luckily I know how to temper it. I don't think there's anything wrong with knowing what you like and don't like because honestly, it's hard enough being sure of that in itself so why not just express it. I like to think that most of the people I hold close to me in life either appreciate intensity or are intense themselves. It's a highly underrated quality because most associate it with craziness or 'too much too soon,' or 'they're desperate.' Honestly, I agree, there are some crazies out there who play crazy off as intensity but I think those of us who are aware can tell the genuine article from those who should seek professional assistance. I'm so mean. In any case, if people have problems with my intensity they're not as involved in my life or perhaps not at all but that's by their choice so I don't feel bad about it. It's one of my defining qualities...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Some people need help getting up.
I want to be that person for all the people I care about in my life...
Because while life can be a bitch it can also be wonderous and I want it to be wonderous as much as possible for everyone involved. I'm not gonna deny that it's a bit selfish of me bc if everyone around me is happy then what else is left for me but happiness? :)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
In any case, I have a removable harddrive of music that has been Barb tested and approved and I have to be okay with knowing that I possess the music but that i can't access it whenever i want on the b-pod. Luckily, if Britney (j-Lo ain't sounding too much better at this point) keeps putting out this crap (full disclosure, I love Gimme More. Britney, gimme more o' dat yo!) I wont have such debates of music conscience.
On a similar note, there was an issue raised this week of "Are the Chinese Trying to Kill Us?" It was a posting about the recent news regarding questionable products coming out of China. DUMAS, the country of China is not trying to kill your hick ass. Stop being so egocentric. Every company is responsible for their own product. If they choose to be cheap and compromise the materials, labor, and quality control it's their ish to deal with if the product comes out horribly wrong. Do you expect the doubtless billions of factory workers (likely poor) in China have any control over A. What they make or B. How safe the product is? They're just content to have a job. There aren't unions (that I'm aware of) there to fight for workers rights as there are in the U.S. It's likely that the Chinese workers are probably getting ill from making the stuff. So are the Chinese trying to kill themselves too? It's ignorance like that that SEVERELY pisses me off. I'm no advocate for China. I've never been and have no real desire to go. Yes, I was born in Hong Kong but that's not the point. Blanket, and purposely inflammatory statements like that are obviously NOT thought through and while free speech is one of the great things about this country (and the internet) it's statements like that that encourage hate and xenophobia. Someone always has to be blamed. It must be the 'other.' I love free speech but if you're going to blame someone, blame the source not the minions.
FYI- ALL of J-Lo's songs sound the same, it's like one continuous loop.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Wedding
In any case, I am pooped, a little sad, a little amazed, and alot excited for them. Sad because it made me think that I have a long way to go, amazed that she's officially a wife, and excited to see what lies ahead for them. But I recognize that the sadness is momentary.
I was telling J yesterday that I occasionally have these flashes of overwhelming sadness and I'm never quite sure where they come from or what triggers them but I also know that if I felt that way all the time I'd probably have to kill myself. ha. But they are flashes, blips, and only seconds long. Upon reflection I think it's a sense of 'abandonment' and maybe even 'loneliness' that i've grown up with in my unconventional childhood that floods me on occasion and serves as a reminder of just how my emotional development may even be a little stunted because of it but really I think it reminds me of how different i am, how unlike everyone else i may be. sounds dramatic i know but i've yet to meet anyone who's in the same situation as me. suffice it to say i've met people who've had it worse but still not the same. which makes me realize that this is maybe why i like to be so occupied, why i like to be surrounded by people as much as possible. and that's not to say that i don't like to be alone (which i do) but perhaps i don't like too much time to be 'still.' perhaps why i choose to focus on others and not myself. perhaps why i'm so concerned with people liking me. it's all very interesting how someone like me turns being left alone as a child into an all out 24-7 party as an adult. if you know me, it makes sense and you probably know all of this already anyway. but i also like who i am, sometimes i am concerned that i don't consider my own feelings enough but overall i've really got nuttin to complain about. nuttin. i got all kinds of compliments this weekend and i appreciate them. i know that generally, i am in a good place so don't take this whole diatribe the wrong way, it's just me writing myself out as i'm prone to do. a bit of introspection never hurts and i've always enjoyed it. oh and just because i was left alone at one point doesn't negate the fact that i've had a very supportive family behind me from then onward. it's probably a woe-is-me way for me to think of myself so that i can hear reinforcement from other people. but enough of this heavy stuff.
what's up with you? nuttin' what's up with you? nuttin' what's up with you?
- what movie is that from?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
waking up
also, karma is a biatch. believe it.
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Unattainable
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Dilly dallying
onward to a week of virgo bdays! happy happy! love you much.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The wisdom that is...SATC
Just watched SATC with my seriously addicted, of course she didn't catch the fever til after the show ended, roommate. In any case, what a great quote right? It's a nice slap in the face to whoever the offender is, poignant, and sometimes (dammit) you have to put yourself first. Something I've never been too good at. You figure you're born the way you are for a reason right? Everything should work coming out of the showroom, shouldn't it? Maybe. Maybe not. I guess it depends, sometimes it's your environment and the people around you that force you to change whether it's conscious or not. I think it may all be situational. You wouldn't change if there wasn't a need to would you? We're all need-based creatures after all. The things we need change from person to person but the innate instinct is the same. So at that moment, Samantha realized that while she needed Richard (in whatever way), she recognized that she needed to be personally fulfilled first and foremost. Yay Samantha! Yes yes, laugh away that I'm making SATC so deep but it provoked the aforementioned thought.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
it's interesting bc i always thought i had so much to write but honestly unless i have an observation of some sort i only write when i'm in turmoil and that's pretty rare for someone as even tempered as me. i'm fairly introspective as it is, so there's really no need to jot things down. but i will whenever the fancy strikes me, especially when i want to post stats about the ppl in my life.
i saw Feist last night and i really really do like her. i think she has an awesome voice that sounds as good live as it does on record. rare these days since everything is electronically enhanced. blah.
m and i also got tix to kelly clarkson, i loved her first album, cheesy as that may be. and whoever said i'm not cheesy obv didn't know me well. i can't wait. debating about Bebel again, not sure i really like Webster Hall as a venue plus it's right in the middle of bday extravaganza month.
speaking of sept, it's almost time to go to the lake again, so exciting. i love it, so much fun. it'll be a diff group this time. it'll be different yet hysterically fun.
then of course, there's the wedding. the big big wedding. very exciting yet also very intimidating. i'm the maid, i need a speech. ahhh. unda pressure. oh well, it's a good kinda pressure.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Fake Beach!
Had an intense convo last night that was cathartic and exceptionally worthwhile, helped me sort ish out. T'was awesome.
Am on 4 hours of sleep, hope I make it to Timberlake without conking out.
Am absolutely in love with Justin Timberlake (diff from above). He's such a great performer. So what if his show is completely rehearsed and without spontaneity? SO talented.
Am still continuously in love with Madonna. Don't worry Madge, I'll never leave you.
Am desperately in love with my friends...
Am disgustingly excited to see Mr. Taylor even though I'm too tired to REALLY express it.
- 'Cuz I ain't no Harlem black girl.'
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
A New Motto
god I'm such a cheeseball. how do you deal with me? :)
Monday, August 6, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Worky MacWorkington
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Statistics regarding friends of Bahooba
5 unrelated people with the initials JF
4 unrelated people with the initials LC
I am no longer taking friend applications from anyone who's a Virgo or has a name that starts with the letters J or M
2 Megumis
2 Japanese people who are also fluent in French (not the two Megumis)
1 Bang
1 Chika
1 Winter
2 Jamies
2 Phils
2 Walters
4 Joshes
2 Julies
2 Steves
2 Lees
4 Women taller than me
Countless shorter
2 Minnesotans
5 People who worked at GTO at some point
1 Narcoleptic (you know who you are Sandy)
3 People who work at Spice Market
2 Trained dancers and a whole bunch of amateurs. :)
Dozens of Asians who don't claim to seek out other Asians and yet manage to have mostly Asian friends.
Dozens of alcoholics who really like to brunch and beach. Not simultaneously.
Are generally afraid of Brooklyn and are reluctant to go if they don't already live there.
4 iPhones
60% know me through someone else.
Most of Edgemont High School though I didn't attend.
Zero people could name my high school other than those privileged enough to attend avec moi.
And am willing to bet that many people think I went to Binghampton University, located somewhere in the Hamptons.
8 NYC natives
They're all wonderful and know and love each other. Amazing!
Disclaimer: Don't quote me on these as they are not official tabulations rather they are rough estimations and an exercise in hilarity. TGIF!
Monday, July 23, 2007
On a lighter note
1. The label is awesome.
2. It's from Marlborough, New Zealand, an area famous for sauvys.
3. Please see 1.
Then I opened the bottle. By now, winos know that screw caps are no longer just for cheapo bottles. It seems that it's mostly the French and Italian wine making traditionalists who are the die hard cork users these days. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I believe that cork can certainly add flavor to a wine that'll be aged but I ain't in that price realm yet. I tend to stick to the $10 and under category. The wine is delicious. It's light. It's slightly tart. Not too fruity. Not much of a scent though I venture to say that it tastes better than what you can smell. Overall, I would say it's a great summer wine and a good value at that.
This is another fave white; Hofer Grüner Veltliner 2006 (Auersthal, Austria). First of all, it comes in and awesome liter sized green bottle that has a bottle cap top. Beat that! Beer drinkers then to think it's some ginormous brew they've never seen. I know I know. I'm being superficial here by going with looks when I should be going by taste but honestly if winemakers don't put effort into presentation I probably wont buy it. It's a whole package deal for me. This is another perfect summer white that goes down REAL easy. Especially when it's very chilled. I've brought it to a few people's homes when I've been invited over and it has been a hit every time. I've never had someone try it that didn't like it. It's smooth. Light. Tasty.
Now for my favorite red; Enrique Foster Malbec Reserva 2003 (Mendoza, Argentina). This MAY be my all-time favorite. I had it twice the last time I was in Argentina this past February at two different restaurants and both times it was spectacular. Spectacular. It was a special the night at Gran Bar Danzon (my fave resty in Buenos Aires, possibly one of my faves in the universe, at the risk of sounding like a snot). Full disclosure, Malbecs are my favorite in general but this one was on another level. It had SO much flavor. So deep, rich, and gorgeous. It's tasty very indulgent, so much so that it almost felt sinful. Everyone at our table loved it and there were 4 discerning gay men with me. Tough crowd right? I highly recommend it, and at $20 it's a bargain. This is one of the few bottles I'd cross over the $10 threshold for. I love it. Desperately. I've never loved a wine so much from the start. P.S. This bodega only makes Malbecs so I'm betting that the others are pretty damn good as well though I've never really had any.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
A Favorite Quote
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Pet peeves
It’s a wonder how people you’re close to can still be so innately different but I guess that’s the wonder of being human right? Everyone is built differently and one thing that affects one person may be something someone else doesn’t give a second thought to. It’s all insanely interesting to me yet, on occasion, drives me mad. A lot of people don’t read, listen, or ‘do’ carefully in my humble opinion. Perhaps it’s all used up in their professional capacities? Maybe they don’t feel the need to keep to the same standard with people who are supposed to be casual friends. Perhaps they just don’t care to or think of it as necessary? And that is all fine. People are entitled to their ways of being but it’s SO opposite to my behavior that I’m having a hard time comprehending it. Of course, any hardship I’m having is self-imposed. I mean, how can I fault other people if I’m the only one who cares? Or just one of the few. Is it nitpicky? Don’t I have better things to worry about? Why do some behavioral things in other people irritate me so? I’m normally so laid back yet the few things in this genre can get me riled up oh-so-quickly. I guess there’s a reason why it’s my #1 pet peeve. I wonder where that expression comes from. Is it because the peeve becomes so much a part of the person that it’s considered a pet? Ha.
Wax on. Wax off. Over and out.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
The 4th!
Being a glass half full kinda group we brought the positive energy back up and hung out at the compound for a few more hours until bedtime. We got up the next day and prepped for a jaunt to a farily unexplored area of Fire Island. Tt couldn't have been more Castaway if we tried. Sans the drama and being stranded part. The 9 of us played tag football, ate lots of hot dawgs with stellar onion sauce, and participated in general merriment until the rain clouds approached and once again beat a hasty retreat to the mainland.
Back at A's dad's house, we ate more, relaxed more, laughed more, until we couldn't anymore. The rain kept us from lighting off the remainder of our contraband fireworks and for the last time on this trip we made a hasty retreat back to the big city. We were fortunate to catch the fireworks show as we drove over the Manhattan Bridge. Traffic came to a complete stop. People got out of their cars. It was quite a sight. There were big explosions of sound and color in either direction of the dark sky.
After a few lost bags, and redirects, I got home, pounced on my bed and announced to myself, "yet another successful summer shenanigan." Good stories. Great friends. Every opportunity I get to hang out and engage with people I learn more. The whole picture kinda comes together as far as who people are and why. Does that make sense? It's always easy to make assumptions about others when you don't know better. We all do. Maybe that's why I'd rather leave myself as an open book. That way people have the correct information to make their assumptions because I know when left to my own devices and when lacking details I create outlandish assumptions that have little semblance to reality. Oh that imagination of mine.
Monday, June 25, 2007
an apology
i think it gets harder and harder to recover from great days/weekends. i can't help but think, 'why can't every day be this great?' i had an awesome, jam packed with fun weekend. i want everyday to be like that but i guess if it were we wouldn't appreciate it now would we?
sometimes i think i give to much (by choice). i want to do everything and be there for everyone but it is hard, it's taxing both emotionally and physically and i have to learn to think of myself first sometimes and say no. but i don't want to say no, i've never really had to but i think i've managed to overextend and not quite sure how to go about fixing it. i love to take care of other people but i rarely let anyone take care of me. i need to let go and let other ppl take charge sometimes and realize that it's okay. have patience when things aren't done at the speed and quality i desire. let my friends be my friends and visa versa and not have me be their mother. it's alot of responsibility i've CHOSEN to take on, and i have to recognize that i can't be perfect in any arena bc it's impossible. perfection is unreachable but we all try for it don't we? i have flaws, many of them. i must let some of the pride go and accept that i can't be everything to everyone or be everywhere at once and that no one is going to judge me for it. i've tested it out here and there and it's fine. people understand, i'm not going to lose anyone bc i didn't go to a damn open bar, no one worthwhile at least. other people do it all the time but i am my worse critic. i have insecurities. i am human. i will be fine. accept that people will still love me if i have a few misses here and there. bc in the end we all just want to be accepted right? accepted and loved. possibly the two most important concepts in my life right now. i try not to judge people and i have to believe that others wont judge me for petty ridiculousness. i blame my complexes on many things. being a minority of a minority of a minority was hard growing up and i've never really expressed it until recently. i guess i've come a long way from the hermit i once was. actually i went in the complete opposite direction and perhaps i haven't found the medium. yes. mayhaps. balance. i've never had great physical balance but hope to find it conceptually. soon enough. hopefully i'll also regain some of the patience i've lost along the way. one of my favorite quotes found during my travels is, "never mess up an apology with an excuse" so in this apology to myself, even though i know where i can place the blame i wont use it as an excuse to keep on in this manner. bc i owe myself better. more. thank you words, my hands and blogland for helping me sort out my thoughts once again. ciao!
oh and don't forget to check out our fab new music video! it's much more lighthearted than this post!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Cities I've Visited
So A and I cohosted a party last night at his ridiculously awesome casa (or you can call it the casa of ridiculousness depending on how you look at it). Two blood gushing wounds later from two different ladies (and of course I was one of them) I'd say it was a huge success! I can't remember the last time I left a house party at 3am. Must have been good right? The eternal question is, why do some people love to party and others, not so much? What is in my blood besides lots of alcohol that urges me to party until I can't stand any more (doesn't happen often). Can it be explained away by saying that I'm an extrovert? A people pleaser? Or just generally friendly? If I had to come up with a reason I'd say that I will basically do anything that has even a remote chance of making me laugh and have a good time. You say, don't most people? I say, I may be more aware of 'good time potential' than most. I think about everything I do in the international currency of fun. And damn it if I'm not good at it. Challenge me! I dare you. ;) Why not make sure that everything you do is worthwhile and memorable? What's the point otherwise? Who wants to be remembered as a workaholic (not that that would ever happen) or a square? F that party people. Surround yourself with like-minded people like I have and live like you mean it!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Lake Vino 2007
But what was more awesome was having 11 people (not all of which knew each other) have such a great time. The sheer amount of laughter and genuine good cheer was well worth it. Honestly my throat hurt on Sunday from to much laughing and screaming. How many people can say that? I got to know a few people better and languished in the glow of people I already love. This year's music video made it's debut and it is just as fabulous as the first. Look out for it!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Another awesome quote
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”
I like that sentiment. Do you?
Friday, June 1, 2007
I'd rather hang out with friends than go to a bar.
I'd sooner freelance than be a staffer stuck doing other people's crap.
The thrill I get from planning trips with friends is just about as great as a rollercoaster ride.
I'd rather know that I've done something to earnestly help people even if it wears on me than stand by and do nothing.
I'd rather action over caustic static.
I'd rather routine with a side of impulse than dubious uncertainty from day to day.
I surround myself with people who laugh heartily and often.
I'd rather people speak what is in their heart and not what they think should be said.
I think I read people very well.
Sometimes I'd rather drive without a destination.
I love traveling but I'll always come back here.
I crave simplicity with the occasional fun drama.
I value laughter, loyalty, honesty and love above all.
I need to stop watching The Tudors.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
hey yo
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Bebel Gilberto

Today is Bebel day! Going to see her in concert this eve at Gramercy Theatre. Why do I like her? Because I think of all the things on my "simple pleasures" list whenever I hear her music ie., beach, summer, driving, etc. It's all positive music, or perhaps it's because she generally sings in Portuguese and I have no idea what she's saying but it sounds upbeat and positive. Heh. I just downloaded her latest from iTunes called Momento, I highly recommend it and happily disposed of a bunch of songs on my iPod to make room for it. This whole Nano thing makes me a cutthroat biatch! I just willingly dispose of music to load whatever catches my fancy. I'm so fickle. Fickle I tell you.
I'm also thinking about getting the new Bjork too since I liked some of her older stuff (namely Homogenic and Post) but the more recent albums have been a bit weird just like I couldn't get into Dancer in the Dark. We'll see about that one.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Quote of the Day
'The more it might hurt.
The more I might die doing it.
The more worth doing it must be.'
- Marlee Matlin as Jody Lerner on the L Word
the best part of football is actually how it brought me to yet another amazing group of people. i consider myself ridiculously lucky as far as friends go. unbelieveably so. i've got great friends already and i just keep adding on. i call this group on my cell phone 'the easys' and not for any reason other than that they will do anything at any moment. always game. always ready to go. so just because of that we spend a lot of time together. we travel as a pack these days and it's great fun every time. of course, me being me, i'm always mixing people together which i find (when it works) to not only make the "how do you know each other?" question exponentially harder to answer but more importantly it forms a group of like-minded people who truly enjoy each other's company with minimal drama. am i making sense? probably not. but the next time you see a group of people out and about having a good time on a roof, in a bar, or on the football field it's likely us and please do say hi and join in.
oh and it's not a painless sport. i just sneezed and it hurt. we ain't no sissies!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Storm King
Thursday, May 17, 2007
How lucky am I?
I was born in Hong Kong and came back and forth from New York for at least 10 years of my youth. In high school (1997) I spent 10 days touring the Italian trifecta (Rome, Florence and Venice). During my senior year (1998) I traveled to London, Bath and Edinburgh. Once at college I studied abroad in London (January- May of 2001) for 5 months but not before I spent New Years in Hong Kong over 10 days. While abroad I had the opportunity to explore Prague (6 days), Paris (twice-4 days each time), a day trip to Versailles, two weeks in Greece and Italy for Spring Break (including Athens, Mykonos, Poros, Hydra, Rome, Florence, and Venice), Brussels, Amsterdam (4 days), Barcelona (6-days), Ibiza (3-days). I believe that's the extent of my international travels through college. Once I graduated the following year (2002), I spent three weeks of June/July on a Eurail pass touring through Milan, Barcelona, Alicante, Nice, Juan-les-Pins, Antibes, Cannes, the most special were Lugano and Interlaken both of which were part of my first visit to the Swiss half of my heritage and where I went skydiving for the first time. Over Thanksgiving of 2003 I spent 7-days in Rio de Janeiro including an excursion to Ilha Grande and thus starting the tradition of travel during that holiday which affords office folk a few extra vacation days. In 2004 I spent 7-days in Buenos Aires where there is amazing shopping, steak and discovered my favorite type of wine to date, Malbec. The following year I went back to Rio (2005), this time spending 4 days in the resort area of Buzios (10 days total). Over July 4th weekend I drove up to Montreal and spent 4 days there. In November of 2006, I spent 10 days driving through Madrid and Andalucia (including Sevilla, Marbella, Malaga, Granada, Jerez (home of Spanish Port wine), and Cadiz). This year I spent 10 days in Buenos Aires and Mendoza (home of Malbec wine), then one month in the South Pacific including Fiji, New Zealand (Auckland, Taupo, Tauranga and Rotorua) and Australia (Sydney, Melbourne and Hunter Valley wine region). Upon my return stateside I took my first trip down to New Orleans over a long weekend. In between these trips I traveled to and from Toronto, San Francisco and Miami to visit extended family.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Independently wealthy
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Well I am.
Here's a definition I've borrowed from: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=405775530
'hapa (pronounced "hoppa")
adj. 1. Slang. of mixed ethnic heritage with partial roots in Asian and/or Pacific Islander ancestry.
n. 2. Slang. a person of such ancestry. [der./Hawaiian: hapa haole. (half white)]'
Ah ha! You say. Of course.
I learned this word a few years back from my fellow hapa (aka halfie) friend Elia. She's been my hapa mentor since she was my German School teacher (every Saturday for 5 years!) back when I was in single digits. Now that I think about it, we had a very odd group in that teeny class since there were 3 of us halfies in there (incl Elia) out of 5. We were actually in the majority. Huhh. In any case, I thought this a good opportunity to share some knowledge about being a halfie in light of an email I received this morning about an upcoming event (http://www.lovingconference.com/index.php?page=home).
I'm not very interested in politics but I have always been interested in race as it is something that influenced my growth and molded me into who I am (obv in combination with other things). If I think about how much I reference being asian or having asian friends in every day life I realize that I underestimate how much it's affected me. I never really had an encounter with "race" as an issue until middle school. I think it was 6th or 7th grade when I first had someone call me a "chink" in the context of "chinky thief." I must have taken something from someone to garner this reputation but I don't remember the specifics honestly. At the moment I probably don't think I even know what that meant except that it sounded like a derivative of "Chinese." Not until it became something that was repeated did I recognize the derogatory tone. Call me dense but I was young and still an immigrant unfamiliar with American slang and culture (which is why I haven't seen the majority of the "growing up" movies such as Spaceballs and other 80s classics to this day). I digress. Any way, I think I got angry about the commentary from my classmates because it kept escalating and it became part of the vocab of other schoolmates. I tried and tried to fit in. 'True' to my ethnic background I brought in fireworks one day and I set them off with 'friends' who lived near school. One dumbass burned his hand badly and of course, I ended up getting suspended for it. The details are all a little muddled in my mind so bear with me. Mom wasn't pleased, I got more angry and she shopped around for a private school. Cue my 5 years at Birch Wathen Lenox. In hindsight I believe I was angry for a few reasons; I wasn't fitting in, I didn't quite understand why I was getting picked on or why I was different I mean, my 'difference' isn't as obvious as others. I usually 'pass' for a Filipino or Hawaiian. But it was in middle school that I learned all about 'slanted eyes,' mimicking Chinese accents, model minority and being 'yellow.' Of course I mention at least one of these things every day in casual conversation as harmless jokes but this must be where it comes from (in addition to the fact that I'm just damn funny. haha) I was raised through age 15 with just the Chinese side of my family where I was always the tallest one not to mention the only one what wasn't 100%. This is where you say, 'boo hoo Barb life was so tough here's your mini violin.' Nono. You're missing the point. At this point life wasn't tough. I'm saying that as a Hapa, halfie or anyone of mixed dissent it's another layer of adolescent mental wrestling and since it's part of who I am I'm trying to illuminate this in exchange for a bit of catharsis. To quote Jenny on the L Word (who I despise btw) I'm just sharing MY experience.
Which group do I fit into? White, Asian or neither? Maybe I should make my own!!!!!!
And I have. I realize that it doesn't matter to me any more. I'm never going to 'fit' in either and that's just fine. It's made me resistant to categorization in a few major aspects of life. I'd like to think that I look at people as a whole. And I hope people think of me in the same way. Luckily I've managed to surround myself with like-minded individuals. It's one of the wonders of living in the salad bowl of NY. (I prefer this term to 'melting pot' which connotes a combining of cultures while sacrificing the individual flavor to make something new. In a salad, each ingredient remains intact while still forming something new and different.) You can find people of all flavors.
The caveat is that I'm more aware of race perhaps than my friends and possibly a bit more sensitive when it comes to conversations about race and ethnicity but that's just fiiiiiiiiiine. I can handle it! The population gets more mixed up with each passing day and I love it. I know so many Hapa children that are now growing up in an environment that's had much more exposure to Halfies than when I was coming up. One day it will no longer be a 'difference.' It's AWESOME and I'm very excited.
Hapa-ly yours,
Monday, May 14, 2007
you make my eyes itch
turn me into a cranky bitch
and now i can barely see
it's the only damn thing
that pisses me off about spring
oh summer, hurry the hell up and get here already
Friday, May 11, 2007
funny words
oh that barb, she needs to find a job
oh that barb, she's losing her mind
oh that barb, i always thought she was a bit loopy
you might be right on all counts but i'd still find these funny any way because i am, how you say, possibly maybe a bit off. the word 'dingy' is just so damn fun to say. repeat it to yourself 10 times and see if you don't giggle. i dare you. the second is a cantonese phrase. the phonetic translation would be "haam sup" which means literally "salty wet." the translation would be something along the lines of 'dirty' in the sexually inappropriate, leering old man, peeping Tom, trench coat flasher, pedophile kinda way. eck but again, a super funny phrase and i have no clue as to it's origins. another cantonese word that has always made me laugh is "baey." the best way i can think to explain it is to say that it's more of a sensation, kind of like getting the chills. when something makes you kinda squirm, slightly uncomfortable, where you'd say "ew" for a very long time. think back to the first time a sex scene came across the screen for a bit too long as you were watching tv with your parents. that sense of unsettled discomfort. that's what "baey" is. at least to me. as a footnote, my chinese is not exactly stellar so don't use these the next time you're in Chinatown and blame me when you don't get the desired effect. however, do make sure to videotape the scene so i can get a good laugh. for both, there's just no English equivalent but they're very potent in the expressions they encapsulate. i imagine it's like the French word "merde" but you don't just say it. there's a whole facial exercise attached to it and it comes out as MERRRRDE! get my drift?
i look forward to adding to this list. reader beware.
happy friday!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
'Beautiful veins'
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
Sunsets and the sun in general
Over and out.
8:55PM - I'm reading Real Simple and just came across this: "Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks and lilies for instance." - John Ruskin
Bollocks! (I'm watching a British show right now, forgive the lingo.) But seriously, how are they 'useless'? Beauty serves a distinct purpose as an elixir, a distraction, an oasis of sorts. But perhaps he's so darn happy he doesn't need anything else????? Who knows and who am I to judge. Just sayin'.
The Five Boro
In any case, I've decided to start this blog because rather than bombard my friends inboxes with my musings I'll let them read this when they have the time and because many people have told me I should. I'm easily convinced, what can I say? And what better time to do it than right now, between jobs? Since I started journaling more frequently during my travels I find that I often want to write down my thoughts and share them but am never quite sure where and who'd be interested. I've actually thought about scanning in my journals but instead have chosen to copy excerpts to the numerous social networking sites I belong to, most often Facebook.
I don't know what I hope to accomplish by sharing my thoughts but I do find it cathartic. It makes life easier for me if people know what I think and how I operate. It saves me some explaining and sometimes I think I express myself better in writing than I do otherwise. I don't like repeating myself much so this kind of a forum works even better.
So what have I done today you ask? Not much, except start this blog and make an appointment to donate platelets (http://princeliamthebrave.blogspot.com/index.html) for tomorrow morning. I've never even met him but I do know his mother in her professional capacity. She's always been awesome to me and nothing tortures me more than hearing about not-so-well kids. It seems so unfair, he's not even 3 yrs old. I recognize that there are sick people everywhere but young Liam's story struck a chord with me and I felt like there's something I can actually do so there you go.
Spring is here and Summer is around the corner. How exciting. I made a list awhile back about all the things I want to do this summer including Summerstage, P.S.1, WTB, outdoor movie nights (at the Piers or Bryant Park), Hyde Park Drive-In, and wine tasting just to mention a few and I can't wait to get started. We had our first rooftop picnic this weekend and it was just a preview of the fun times that await as the weather gets warmer. I think the only reason I can deal with winter, besides indulging my coat fetish, is that it makes me appreciate the sunnier months much more. Hopefully, the temps keep climbing and the skies only get more beautiful.