What WOULD Barb do?
I'm a writer looking for places to write without disturbing the lives of people in my life. I'm a natural born event planner who doesn't want to do it for a living because it'll ruin the fun. I'm a book that likes to be left open and read. Bookmark it, dog-ear the page corner and come back to me.
Monday, May 14, 2007
oh how i hate thee you make my eyes itch turn me into a cranky bitch and now i can barely see
it's the only damn thing that pisses me off about spring oh summer, hurry the hell up and get here already
1 comment:
Im not quite up to snuff these days on my poetic english jargen.. but was that a haiku?? no no wait.. a sonnet??
At any rate, you are one damn funny chicka!
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