I just read a terribly interesting article from the New York Times, here's a nugget:
'“Women physically don’t seem to differentiate between genders in their sex responses, at least heterosexual women don’t,” she said. “For heterosexual women, gender didn’t matter. They responded to the level of activity.”
Dr. Chivers’s work adds to a growing body of scientific evidence that places female sexuality along a continuum between heterosexuality and homosexuality, rather than as an either-or phenomenon.'
It continues to say that men who label themselves "bi" are generally more aroused by men while women who label themselves as such are equally aroused by both sexes. That says to me something we've all known all along that men don't have the same level of freedom to express their sexuality in society as women do. Bi women are 'hot' while bi men are just assumed to be gay. Fair? Not so much. I think it's because the current perspectives are mainly from a heterosexual male's viewpoint; bi women will eventually 'come to their senses' and go running back to men and bi men are just masquerading with women to cover up gayness.
I wish people would just simmer down with the need to label because some just don't fall into a category anymore and there's nothing wrong with that. And even when they do, in the case of the bi male, they're still perceived as something else so why bother categorizing anyway if you're going to believe what you want? In any case, I think it's an interesting article and subject that merits discussion because that's the only way to get people to consider that perhaps labeling isn't the most efficient way to 'figure out' those they encounter.
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